My rating: 4 of 5 stars
H+ incorporated by Gary Dejean is a science fiction novel packed with action right from the start. The story is good and incorporates a number of technology advances quite naturally in the flow.
It is the year 2039, and the story is based in Manila. The city is now a technology hub which is now finding its feet after devastating floods. The principal characters are – Morgan (a scientist working at H+), Chloe (her daughter), Jake (a young boy who has had body part replacements after an accident), David Patel (Jake’s father) and Angelo (law enforcement).
Morgan faces an ethical dilemma on an invention at H+ incorporated which she believes is dangerous. After much soul searching, she decides to act, and unwittingly all the other principal characters including young Jake get drawn into the action. David is especially concerned about Jake who is just coming to terms with his new physical self and is yet to settle into school. However, the choices are difficult ones for all concerned.
While the story is good and also very fast paced, the tone of the narration is a bit dry and the characters needed more background & situations to develop on you.
If you like science fiction reads, I recommend this book for its story and pace.
I received a free ebook from the author for providing an honest review.
My rating: 3.75 / 5.
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