My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is the second book of Mainak Dhar that I have read, after 03:02. As with 03:02, this has a captivating story as well.
A despot in the middle east eggs on the Pakistani ruler to take some bold steps against India. An assassination attempt of India's Prime Minister and terror attacks at multiple places happen, setting the stage for a communal flareup. This is followed by a large scale influx of terrorists into Kashmir backed by the Pakistan army with an intent to capture and hold territory. Very soon, the conflict widens with the threat of nuclear weapons lurking in the background.
The story is sadly fairly plausible, bringing out the dangers of Pakistan pursuing support to terror groups as a state policy. The pace is very good and the book is engrossing. The drawback though is that a lot of space is devoted to elaborate descriptions of warfare, with very minimal character building.
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